Hiding properties and methods of an interface in C#

Recently I began to wonder how people hide some of the methods in their classes that are part of the interfaces that the class implements. One of the concrete examples is BindingList(T) class: it implements IBindingList interface but does not expose methods such as AddIndex at all.

.NET ListView: reacting to column resize when user doubleclicks header separator

I just came up with a hack for .NET ListView to react to users doubleclicking the header separator to auto resize the column to fit column contents. The reason why I need this is that I’m creating a custom control, that’s a mix of ListView and TreeView and in the first column, I’m drawing the … More .NET ListView: reacting to column resize when user doubleclicks header separator

Firebird Stored Procedure parameters order: implementing in the DAL

So the fun continues. In my previous post I wrote that Firebird Stored Procedure (SP) parameters must be passed in the correct order, as they’re defined in the procedure itself. However, the example I gave with a class that uses attributes to map class properties to SP parameters was not quite complete. As I started … More Firebird Stored Procedure parameters order: implementing in the DAL